This is not a review of the “Covenant” album, but an indepth analysis of the album’s closing track “God of Emptiness”:
TITLE : “God Of Emptiness”
I. “The Accuser”
II. “The tempter”
LENGTH : 7’ 14”
ALBUM : “Covenant”, 1993
ARTIST : Morbid Angel
AUTHORS : Music – Trey Azagthtoth
LYRICS – David Vincent
EDITION : Published by Cutha Hymns/ASCAP and God Of Perverse/ASCAP
DETAILS : It is included as the album’s last song, situated after the tetric instrumental track “Nar Mattaru”, whose “melody” is based upon sound effects. There is no lap of time between “Nar Mattaru” and “God Of Emptiness” itself, so the former can be interpreted as the intro for the latter, as a preparatory introduction for the blast of “God Of Emptiness”.
“God Of Emptiness” is divided into two parts, very different one from the other, but with no lap in-between.
The first part is titled “The Accuser” and is composed of several heavy and slow riffs, quite complicated at its execution and its tempo yet simple at their appearance. The vocal aspect brings us lead singer David Vincent using two different vocal styles: One, melodic yet guttural voice; two, deeply-performed spoken voice, seeming to be performed in the background.
The second part is titled “The Tempter” and is completely different: Its music is done by a guitar-based melody, a riff repeated again and again, while the growling voice just sings also again and again two simple sentences (Vid. lyrics) to the end, before which the mixing volume goes diminishing more and more until absolute silence.
Therefore both parts are quite different, not only concerning their qualitive aspect (Many different and weird guitar riffs, large lyrics and a complicated drumming in the first part while there is a total simpleness in all elements -music, guitar, drums, vocals and lyrics- in the second part) but also their quantitive aspect (The first part is by far longer than the first one).
“God Of Emptiness” musts be analyzed in two parts, corresponding to the song’s two musically and lyrically-defined parts: “The Accuser” and “The Tempter”.
“The accuser” does this : to accuse. The lyrics charge God of having lied, of having fulfilled people with oppression and of having received, as reward from mankind, glory. And contraposes the song’s spirit (“I offer fantasy”) attitude to God’s (“And you, Creator, blind of envy”).
In “The Accuser”’s chorus, David Vincent brings two basic ideas: Authorizes children and women to get near him while man stands behind (mmh…!) and, in the other hand, makes himself appear as the personification of Evil or simply a Devil-sent : The snake (one of the most known symbols of evil), slithers, as the cat stalks to bet the mortals’ soul and thus granting them freedom by their emptiness.
In “The Tempter”, the simpleness is confronted to the complexity of “The Accuser”.This part’s lyrics are just two sentences, constantly repeated as if the song wanted the listener to bow before it.
The “god of emptiness” concept is based upon a XIX century’s philosophic thought that defended the importance of the human being over the one of the so-called God. In fact, its English (original) version it was called “the philosophy of the god of emptiness”.
Besides, lyrics-mainwriter David Vincent has always been interested in Nietzsche’s philosophy (Check “Covenant”’s credits for details). Needless to say that one of the most importants aspects in Nitzschean philosophy is its anti-Christian thought. In his works, the German philosopher uses to accuse God of having enslaved the Western world and its people by His “true” moral and propugnates a back-to-earth attitude in life that fits perfectly with this song’s lyrical meaning.
I.The Accuser
Lies – And you fill their souls
with all oppressions of this world
and all the glory you receive
So what makes you supreme?
Lies – And your crown is falling
I offer fantasy
And you, Creator,
blind with envy
So let the children come to me
Their mothers love me so shall they
Women, bleeding, ate my gifts
Man was close behind
And like a snake I’m slithering
through my world divine
and like a cat I’m stalking
I’ll take your soul and you’ll be like me
In emptiness, free
II.The Tempter
Bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly
Written by Metallykon